At Setanta Adventures, we want to travel on journeys that show the positive aspects of life. We intend to simplify life, see the world, and gain experiences that people often talk about, but are seldom able to do thanks to unrelenting day to day obligations. Join us on our travels, and view life through our lens!

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Setanta Adventures YouTube Channel

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There are untold stories all around us, just waiting for someone to tell them. Our moto-journeys aim to find those stories, and share them with you. From traveling the country to listen to perspectives on current events, to retracing historic routes that shaped our country, we plan on taking the road less traveled. Come travel with us, and make a difference today.

Do you have a local story, hero, event, or charity that deserves to be known? Tell us about it and we'll see if we can organize a trip to come hear more about it!

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People are central to our films. We want to get out and meet you. Through our social media outlets, we have coordinated with many of our new friends and have scheduled to meet them on our journeys, and capture their stories.

In undertaking these adventures, there is quite a lot of equipment that we have used and abused along the way. We will share with you what works, what doesn't work, how to pack, and how to travel, in modes that often go against conventional wisdom.

We are not looking for the quickest, or most direct route. Our selections focus on the experience of the road.

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We are less interested in the "A" and "B" of a trip, and more interested in everything in between. Everything interesting happens along the way, and we aim to see as much "in between" as we can. We like to use this approach with life as well.


Let's be honest, with all the negative stories that constantly bombard us, it's easy to believe that there are no good guys in the world anymore. We reject the impulse to perpetuate negative stories. We've seen enough bad in this world to know that the only way to ensure good things happen is if you are part of a solution, rather than part of the problem. Our goal is to seek the positive in people and to acknowledge the humanity in each other.


We know you are out there, waiting for your good story to be told. We intend to hit the road and hear you out. From the U.S.A, to Ireland, to further abroad, we intend to find those stories that can inspire and provide hope in each other... Through a moto-filter, of course.


How can you help us get your message out?

Our goal is to travel to places that don't always get visibility. We want to be able to get out and visit you, but we are a completely independent start up company right now. If you would like to assist us with continuing productions, please consider a financial contribution on Patreon, where we offer various levels of patronage. You can also make a quick contribution directly on Paypal by clicking on the "Contribute" button to the right.

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We couldn't succeed without you! Thank you so much for your assistance.